ONE - The Original Unified Gospel of Jesus. Authoritative Gospel Reference, Bible.
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ONE - The Original Unified Gospel of Jesus. Authoritative Gospel Reference, Bible.ONE - The Original Unified Gospel of Jesus. Authoritative Gospel Reference, Bible.

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Another year gone by.  What have we done, and why?  G. Zegarelli


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OUG Charties, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charity.  The cause is non-denominational.  OUG Charities has the mission of spreading the Good News of Jesus in a manner that is non-denominational.  Gifts to OUG Charities are tax deductible as charitable contributions. 

What is the mission of OUG Charities?

The ONE Mission: To find common ground for harmonious co-existence.

To understand the mission of OUG Charities, you need to understand that it was formed logically to complete the mission that was started by the book, ONE.  Therefore, let's start with with the mission of the book, ONE.  Gregg Zegarelli, the author of ONE, an attorney, believed that the detailed study of four separate Gospels was certainly crucial for the scholar and the student, but not necessary for everyday reading.  See Interview with Author.

It is a basic principle that, the easier it is to read about the Good News, the more people who will receive it.  Jesus said, "My yoke is easy, and my burden light."

So, what ONE does is effectively remove the duplication between and among the separate Gospels, leaving the single truth of Jesus' life and teachings in 230 pages.  By easing the burden in learning the Gospels, the author believes that more people will accept Jesus' teachings of goodness.

  • Sub-Mission 1: Ease the burden of studying the teachings of Jesus by unifying the Gospels.
    • Corollary a. The more people who study the teachings of Jesus, the more people there will be who accept those teachings.
    • Corollary b. The more people who accept the teachings of Jesus, the better place the world will become. 

But, let us take that mission a bit further.  Not everyone is a Christian.  But, as wisdom begins with a definition of terms, let us define, briefly, what it is to be a "Christian."  Being a "Christian" seems to come in multiple forms--all good, and not necessarily mutually exclusive, including: a person that hold true to Jesus' teaching to love; a person who believes Jesus to be specially divine, and/or a person who complies with the ceremonies and traditions of certain Christian institutions, such as Catholicism (which intend to subsume the prior categories). 

As to the first type, it seems to be the common ground for many diverse religions, who may not believe in the special divinity of Jesus and who do not, by definition, conform to any particular Christian institutions.  That is, many diverse non-Christian religions and belief systems can and do have a fundamental principle to love and peaceful co-existence.  And, accordingly, can easily accept the message of Jesus to do so, even if those persons do not assent to the particular divinity selected by Christians as authoritative for that principle.

Accordingly, the author of ONE created a second version specially prepared with sensitivity for non-Christians, so that non-Christians can enjoy the beautiful teachings of Jesus.

  • Sub-Mission 2: Provide the teachings of Jesus in a form acceptable to non-Christians.
    • Corollary a. The core teachings of Jesus as to how to live morally and righteously, in love, do not conflict with any other religions grounded in love.
    • Corollary b. To the extent that Christians and non-Christians can find common ground in a core sense of morality, the better place the world will become.

Are OUG Charities and OUG Press the same company?

No.  OUG Charities is a non-profit company; it is separate from OUG Press, which is a for-profit company. 

How does OUG Charities fulfill its mission?

We truly believe in what ONE does: by unifying the four separate Gospels, it increases access to the Good News.  OUG Charities, Inc. has one purpose: to spread the Word in the form of ONE bibles.  Contributions can be donated earmarked for a particular version of ONE or undesignated.  Contributions are used solely for production costs.  All board of director members donate their time, and there are no fees paid directly or indirectly other than for the costs of book production.  All donations are dedicated to book production and spreading the Good News.

To where do I send donations?

All donations are considered undesignated (as to version to be purchased) unless otherwise specified.  If you would like your donation to be used for the Divine Version of ONE or the Universal Version of ONE, please earmark your donation accordingly.  You will be sent a charitable donation receipt.

OUG Charities, Inc.
429 Forbes Avenue, Suite 1212
Pittsburgh PA  15219



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ONE - The Original Unified Gospel of Jesus. Authoritative Gospel Reference, Bible.
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